Computer science lesson plan
Class: 4 - Lesson: 19

Purpose: Learn directions, Loops, repeat and repeat until and the Students should practice this activity.

No. of. classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required

Chalk, Notebook, pen or pencil

Prior knowledge

Students should know the following before this exercise.

  • Moving words and directions
  • Exercise


    Introduction Loop – Repeat

  • Create 8 column and 8 row (you may create any number of rows/columns)
  • One person to pick up one object and place it in R5 C1 (R – Row, C- column)
  • One person to stand in R1, C1
  • Now give directions for another person to move according to the given direction.
  • Exercise:2

    Introduction - Repeat until

  • Create 4 columns and 8 rows (number of rows and columns is your choice)
  • Then pick up one object and place it in R8 C4 (R – Row, C- column)
  • Another person to stand in R1, C1
  • Now give directions for another person to move according to the given direction.
  • Solution

  • Link to copy the solution 1,2.

  • Teacher Instruction
    1. Teacher should explain the students about columns and Rows and teach them how to create a table with rows and columns. Teachers should clear doubts of students.
    2. Allow the students to see the solution first and after that try the exercise on their own.
    3. Use the words “Move forward”, “Turn left”, “Turn right”, “Repeat”, “Repeat until” etc. While teaching students need to become familiar with these words.
    4. Sign In into before playing the game.